pitch, please


A complete guide on working with brands for travel bloggers

get your ass in the game

What if you could learn how to approach and work with brands? What if you could be a full time travel blogger and travel the world? What if you stop dreaming and just start?

Join the Pitch, Please Academy Master Class and learn:  

  • How the world of travel blogging works.

  • How to be a professional travel blogger.

  • How you can make brands want to work with you.

  • How you can pitch your travel blog to brands.

  • How you can get press trips and travel the world.

And the good news is, you do not need a massive reach to work with brands. All that matters is that you are serious about your business and you are ready to start cranking down.

Join me in the Master Class and get your ass in the game.


Pitch, please


choose a chapter

I get it. A full master class might be a bit much. After all, you are accomplished and you know what you are doing. But everybody has blind spots, right? To help you fill in the blind spots, you can buy the most important chapters without committing to the full master class.

Master class

You are done struggling and you just want to know how to built a network and got some freakin’ collaborations. Gotya, sis! The Master Class is laced with examples, cases and pro tips to help you understand the whole shebang better.

Pitch Please Premium

You want nothing less then the best for yourself and your business. You want the Master Class ánd you want personal coaching? Pitch Please Premium is what you need!

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