I’m Lot

Hi, I’m Lot. Great that you are checking me out, because that means you want to know who I am and how I can help you. So, let’s dive right in!

I never planned to be a travel blogger. I always wanted to write and I I always had the urge to travel. But I never thought about combining the two.

By pursuing a career in writing, I kinda accidentally rolled into travel blogging. One thing led to another and before I knew it, I was travelling all over the world. I had to learn everything along the way. Travel writing, photography, social media and website maintenance. But I also had to learn how to network. How to approach and talk to brands.

Turns out, that’s where I shine. I learned quickly that a good network is essential for a travel blogger. A good network literally gets a travel blogger around the world. Even when you do not have a massive reach. The funny thing is, I often see travel bloggers with a reach that is ten times, a hundred times bigger than mine, struggle to work with brands. And that’s a shame, because if I can work with brands and travel the world, everyone can do it.

Often, other travel bloggers reach out to me for advice. They want to know how I work with brands, but more importantly, they want to know how they can work with brands. That formed the base for Pitch, Please Academy. I want to help travel bloggers work with brands. I want to help you.

Will you let me?

choose a chapter

I get it. A full master class might be a bit much. After all, you are accomplished and you know what you are doing. But everybody has blind spots, right? To help you fill in the blind spots, you can buy the most important chapters without committing to the full master class.

Master class

You are done struggling and you just want to know how to built a network and got some freakin’ collaborations. Gotya, sis!

The full course is laced with examples, cases and pro tips to help you understand the whole shebang.

pitch please premium

You want nothing less then the best for yourself and your business. You want the Master Class ánd you want personal coaching? Pitch Please Premium is what you need!