The master Class

Why this is the master class for you

You are

  • a travel blogger

  • struggeling to work with brands

  • watching from the sideline how other bloggers take the collabs you want

  • struggeling to make money with collabs

  • ready to tackle these issues and become a more succesful travel blogger

You’ll Learn

  • how the world of travel blogging works

  • how to present yourself as a pro

  • why networking is so important

  • how to write a fitting pitch

  • how to work with brands and destinations

  • what to expect when you join a press trip

  • what to do when things go wrong

You will

  • understand how you can be a professional and succesful travel blogger

  • how to build and use your network

  • know how to pitch with brands and destinations

  • know how to join press trips

  • know how to earn money by collaborating with brands and destinations

Pitch, please - The Master Class
One time

✓ Unlimited access
✓ Illustrative cases
✓ Pro tips
Pitch Please Premium
One time

✓ 4 hours of one-on-one coaching
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Illustrative cases
✓ Pro tips