an overview of the master class


Want to know who is teaching this Master Class? Want to know why I am the best person to teach you about networking and collabs and blacklists? That’s what the introduction is for!

1. What are we talking about?

In this short chapter, I discuss the sector and who it’s big players are. Understanding how the sector works, is vital if you want to work with brands.

2. Getting started

If you want to be a professional travel blogger, you should behave like a professional travel blogger from day one. How and why? That’s what I explain in this chapter.

3. Aim for the stars

So you built a website, you started social media channels. Now what? You just wait for readers, followers and brands lining up to work with you? Of course not! In this chapter you learn how to launch your blog or social media channels to the stars.

4. (net)work your ass off

The world is full of brands, PR companies and colleagues. By forming meaningfull connections with them, you build a network which can help you reach your goals. How to do that? Read and learn.

5. Positive peer pressure

Technically, other travel bloggers are your competition. But it is much more beneficial to see them as colleagues. By lifting each other up, we create a better work environment for all.

6. Working with brands

How can you approach a brand? Heck, where can you find them in the first place? And how do get a collab with them? The answers to those questions are inside this chapter.

7. Pitch, please

Pitching is an art. And you’ll surprised to learn is not only about writing a good pitch, but also about sending your pitch to the right person at the most opportune moment.

8. Press trips 101

Press trips are one of the most covetted things in the world of a travel blogger. In this chapter, you’ll learn everything there is to know about press trips.

9. When things go wrong

Working in a creative sector like this one, means that sometimes things go wrong. I list up the most common problems and explain how to handle them gracefully.

10. Kiss that ass

Preferably you want to build a long term relationship with a brand. The best way to do that is to make them happy. Very happy. How, you ask? Let me give you some ideas.

11. The dreaded blacklist

No, the blacklist is not a myth. I’ve seen it. Worse, I’ve been on it. Learn from my mistakes and make sure you never, ever land on the dreaded blacklist.

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